Sabtu, 29 Juli 2017

Scanjet Marine Product Exhibition - Produk Produk Scanjet

Yooo Ketemu lagi bersama dany tri kusuma disini gan sist, kali ini aku mau ngeshare lagi satu persatu video randomku gan sist. Yaa namanya video random, isinya pasti video videoku yang beraneka ragam gan sist, mulai dari video facebookku, video robot, video nikahku, video standup comedy, video prewed, wedding invitation dan lain lain banyak gan sist. Nama playlistnya juga random video, jadi maaf ya kalau acak acakan videonya.hehehe Nah video Randomku yang ke dua puluh kali ini yang aku share adalah video yang berjudul Scanjet Marine Product Exhibition - Produk Produk Scanjet . Naah kalau Ini adalah video tentang apa aja sih yang bisa dibuat dan dijual oleh Scanjet marine gan sist. So banyak produk yang berhubungan dengan perkapalan dan tank cleaning mesin equipment ada di scanjet marine gan sist.
Haloo gan, Kali ini aku akan uploadin tentang Product product yang ada di Scanjet Marine ya. Disinilah aku kerja jadi project engineer gan sist. Jadi Scanjet Marine bikin banyak mesin looo, Ada Tank Cleaning Machine, PV Valve, Dll. Pokoknya yang berhubungan dengan pembersih tangki kapal dan perkapalan di Scanjet Marine ada.

Scanjet Group is a leading global supplier of tank cleaning equipment and solutions for any marine, offshore and industrial application. Scanjet designs and produces a range of fixed and portable tank cleaning equipment, marine protection systems, high level overfill alarms, vapour emission control systems, tank level gauging equipment and Scanvent P/V valves. We also provide industrial, offshore and marine engineering design services.

With more than 50 years’ experience, we have been involved in the business of tank cleaning from the supply of sophisticated tank cleaning systems for ships to the engineering and design of systems for industrial industries, such as sanitary, food & beverage, transport, energy and pulp & paper.

Our concept - Direct from producer to user
Our business mission continues to centre on direct co-operation between the customers and Scanjet Marine AB. This concept, together with the specialised fabrication in our own workshops using the latest production technology, ensures our customers of an operator friendly and highly qualitative range of products.


Global Manufacturing, Sales, Service and Support
If your organization has multiple locations, you’ll appreciate the fact that we do too. Our worldwide capabilities and inventory ensure we can seamlessly service our customers and support our products efficiently – no matter their location or how many different facilities are involved.

Single Focus
Tank cleaning technology consumes 100% of our energy every day, and our field sales engineers only sell and service our tank cleaning products. This sole focus enables us to offer unmatched product quality and technical expertise.

Single Source Solutions
You know how time-consuming it can be to purchase products from multiple suppliers for a single project… and how frustrating it is when integration issues occur. We provide complete tank cleaning solutions, so you enjoy the convenience of working with one company and knowing all system com ponents are compatible and will deliver the promised performance.

Scanjet Group provide responsible and innovative tank cleaning solutions and products for the marine and industrial industries. We produce state of the art products and services such as Level Gauging Equipment, High Level Overfill Alarms, Vapour Emission Control Systems as well as provide industrial, offshore and marine engineering design services.

Lihat aja video yang berjudul Scanjet Marine Product Exhibition - Produk Produk Scanjet Biar lebih jelas dan gak penasaran tentang videoku lagi minta maaf. Yaaa pokoknya intinya di scanjet marine ini adalah perusahaan yang berkaitan dengan tank cleaning mesin entah itu di perkapalan, offshore atau industri. Dan manufakturingnya di produksi sendiri di scanjet Swedia dan berbagai belahan dunia lainnya gan sist. Bahkan ada beberpa divisi yang lain seperti PV Valve, Tank Level gauging dll gan sist. So sebenarnya Scanjet gak hanya tank cleaning mesin. 

Semoga menambah wawasan atau sedikit informasi. Kalau mau berkunjung ke website Scanjet bisa kesini gan sist. atau

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