Selasa, 09 Oktober 2018

Fish Run 3D Seaworld in Jungle - D'Game 38

Fish Run 3D Seaworld in Jungle - D'Game 38

Fish Run 3D : Sea World in jungle is a game that will invite you to adventure in the jungle full of challenges. let's run and jump over the obstacles, with cute and adorable fish characters. Best game 3D subway fish.

how to play? You only need to wipe the phone screen to the right, left, up, and down. play with the family of friends and close friends. cheer together.

thanks for loyal users from the developer.......

Yaaa pokoknya gitu ajalah gan videonya, hehe Maaf yaa newbie soalnya, Masih katrok dalam hal editing video dan pengambilan gambar. Thanks sudah mampir di youtubeku ini. Semoga kalian yang nonton video ini atau baca artikel ini sukses selalu dan sehat terus atau minimal bisa menambah info dan wawasan buat kalian guys.. Byee


Mohon maaf kalau ada salah salah kata. Makasih udah Nonton.
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Fish Run 3D Seaworld in Jungle - D'Game 38
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